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Romain Virgo

Romain Virgo - Romain Virgo

© 2010 VP Music Group

Release Date: June 4, 2010


1. Mi Caan Sleep - Romain Virgo

2. Who Feels It Knows It - Romain Virgo [Feat. Etana]

3. Love Doctor - Romain Virgo

4. Taking You Home - Romain Virgo

5. As the Money Done - Romain Virgo

6. Should I Call Her - Romain Virgo

7. Wanna Go Home - Romain Virgo

8. Walking Out On You - Romain Virgo

9. Dark Skin Girl - Romain Virgo

10. Live Mi Life - Romain Virgo

11. Customer Care - Romain Virgo

12. No Money - Romain Virgo

13. Murderer - Romain Virgo

14. Be Careful - Romain Virgo

15. I'm Doing Good - Romain Virgo [Feat. Cameal Davis]

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