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Natalie Storm

Natalie Storm, the fearless firecracker of dancehall, commands the stage with her electrifying presence and bold lyrics. Hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, Natalie's passion for music ignited at a young age, influenced by the pulsating rhythms and vibrant culture of her homeland.

Breaking barriers with her unapologetic style, Natalie Storm emerged as a powerhouse in the dancehall scene. Her dynamic flow and raw authenticity captivated audiences worldwide, earning her a reputation as one of the genre's most formidable talents.

With a string of hits including "Look Pon Me," "Rock the Runway," and "Nah Sell Out," Natalie Storm established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the male-dominated realm of dancehall. Her fearless approach to tackling taboo topics and championing female empowerment set her apart as a trailblazer in the industry.

Beyond her musical endeavors, Natalie Storm is also known for her entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to community upliftment. Through her music and advocacy work, she continues to inspire and empower a new generation of artists and activists, cementing her legacy as a true icon of dancehall.



Feel Up Feel Up
Natalie Storm - Feel Up Feel Up
A Your Man
Natalie Storm - A Your Man
Hot Fuck
Natalie Storm - Hot Fuck
Natalie Storm - Smile
Get In
Natalie Storm - Get In
Get In
Natalie Storm - Get In
I Bruise Easily
Natalie Storm - I Bruise Easily




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